Recents in Beach

How to Do Loop Checks During Plant Pre-Commissioning

 1. Location of the instrument Tag no. to be checked (As per P&ID)

2. Tag number & Description of the Tag to be checked.

(For Ex: Flash drum level or Instrument air header pressure or Hot oil heater inlet Temp or HP Fuel gas inlet flow)

3. Range & Alarm values for that Particular instrument to be noted. (As per Instrument index or IO List)

4. Unit of that particular tag both in DCS & Field also to be verified.

(Level: m, %, Flow: m3/hr or Nm3/hr or Sm3/hr or Kg/hr, Pressure: barg or bara or mbarg or mmwc or mmhg, Corrosion: mm/yr, Temperature: “C, Control valves: arrow for Fail Open or Fail Close types)

5. For All Transmitters, the checks to be done for 0%, 50% & 100% of the total range.

6. If the Flow Transmitters is of DP type, checks to be as follows: For Eg. For Transmitter Range: 0 to 100 m3/hr & DP Range: 0 to 500 mbar, 0% (0 mbar) = 0 m3/hr; 25% (125 mbar) = 50 m3/hr; 50% (250 mbar) = 70.7 m3/hr; 75% (375 mbar) = 86.6 m3/hr; 100% (500 mbar) = 100 m3/hr

7. All Level Transmitters to be checked only with water. If they are not using water (except vessel mounted Radar Transmitter), report in DPR that LIT was checked with mA & to be checked with water again.

8. For DCS Transmitters, normal checks, Alarm values & its recovery values to be checked by simulating from field.

9. If Instrument Index & Data Sheet Ranges are not matching, please record in your DPR (Daily Progress Report).

10. For all Alarm values simulation, check for alarm in Current Alarm Manager (CAM). When an Alarm comes, it has to blink in graphics in Red, if we accept it will become static.

11. For ESD Transmitters, Alarm values, LL or HH or either & SC (Short Circuit), OC (Open Circuit) to be checked by simulating from field.

12. Alarm description to be checked (For Ex: IA header pressure low or Hot oil heater all temp. High or HP fuel gas inlet flow low)

13. Color of the Display in Graphics also required to verify.

14. For Control valves, the stroke checks to be done for 0%,25%.50%, 75%, 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% & 0%.

The valve openings actually in Field to be confirmed from Person on Field & Recorded in Loop checks report.

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